
I have an infection in my finger, my doctor wants to do an Ultrasound, Why?

by  |  earlier

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I got an infection in my finger a month ago and took 2 lots of Antibiotics,and i thought it had healed but today it swelled up again so the doctor gave me 2 lots of Antibiotics to take again, but if it hasn't gone down by next thursday she wants to send me for an Ultrasound, my question is, What would or could an Ultrasound tell her? Thankyou.




  1. the ultra sound can tell them several things

    1 in something foreign is in there

    2 how much fluid is in the area

    3 how far has the infection travelled

    4 has it effected the bone

    5 is it a cyst

    6 which tissues has been infected

    7 how deep has the infection gone

    depending on what the ultra sound tells them they may do an X-Ray as well to see about the joint.

    infections can destroy the joint

    so please do everything that your Doc has told you to do  

  2. I'm thinking maybe she thinks there's a foreign body in there eg a splinter or similar that's causing the infection.  Alternatively she wants to see how deep the infection is.

  3. Why didn't you ask your doctor??

  4. The ultrasound will give her a better idea of what is causing the infection and which cours of treatment to take.

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