
I have an insurance question....?

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If you have a high deductible what does that mean? Does that mean you have to pay co-pays until you meet that deductible and then you don't have to pay co-pays once you've met it? Thanks




  1. Co-pays generally don't get applied to the deductible. The deductible is met by you paying for services that specifically do not have a co-pay specified.

    Sometimes though, your policy may have a clause that allows the office visit co-pays to be applied to your out of pocket maximum (that percentage of the charges that you are liable for until the insurance pays 100%) and once that maximum is met, you would not have to pay any other costs out of your pocket.

  2. No.  Generally the co-pays don't count towards the deductible.  Usually (again some contracts are different), you would pay copays for office visits, but surgeries, lab works, xrays, etc...would be subject to the deductible.  Meaning you'd pay them until you've met the deductible.  Also usually those would be cumulative, but look out for deductibles that are "per incident" instead of annual.

    "High Deductible" is a relative term.  For some people $500 is high...for others $5000 is high.  The higher the deductible, the lower the cost.

    Hope that helps,


  3. You ALWAYS pay copays.  The deductible is how much you pay, before the insurance kicks in.  You'd pay the first $1,000 of all bills.  Once you pay that, you STILL pay the copays, but ONLY the copays.

    The deductible is how much out of pocket, before the insurance kicks in.  The higher the deductible, the lower your premium.

  4. a deductible is the amount you have to pay that the insurance company does not.  if this is car insurance you have to pay the deductible for each accident.  in medical insurance, you have to pay it each year.  i hope this helps.

  5. Co-pays do not apply towards the deductible, and if you had a serious injury or illness and met your deductible for the year - you still have to pay co-pays for doctor visits and prescriptions.


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