
I have an interveiw to go 2 and i never know what to say when they ask "What are your strengths and weakness"

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I have an interveiw to go 2 and i never know what to say when they ask "What are your strengths and weakness"




  1. The interviewers will be asking the question, if it is a interview for a job ensure you know something about the company you intend to work for, do some field work  and find out as much as you can, they will also ascertain your strengths and weakness during the interview session.

  2. When asked about your weaknesses, saying "I'm a perfectionist", or "I can get overly absorbed in my work" are obvious bs replies (that's not to say that it's a bs question in the first place, of course). Never ever highlight any of your actual weaknesses for the job. Instead, highlight a weakness that doesn't really apply, and then show how you took initiative to address it anyways. An example would be to say that you wish you were bilingual and then talk about how you studied a foreign language in your spare time. This of course applies only if the job doesn't have a bilingual requirement. You honestly presented a weakness, you demonstrated initiative to address the weakness, and yet it in no way would it impact your prospects for the job.

  3. First of all, you're smart to try to come up with an answer to this interview question before you show up. Be ready, because they're going to ask.

    Remember, most interviewers want you to do their job for them. They want you to be very specific so they know what to think about you as a candidate. Don't be afraid to toot your own horn!

    In response to the question, you might say, "Well, first I'd like to tell you about my strengths. I think I'm really good at dealing with people and getting a bunch of people to work together as a team." Or, "I'm a very good salesperson." Or, "I'm great at organizing complicated jobs." But, no matter what you say, be sure to always - always - have a supporting example. If you say you're good at turning people into a team, give an example of how you did it - in a previous job, or at your school, or on a field. If you're a good organizer, talk about how you set up the extended family reunion. remember, if you give specific examples, the interviewer is more likely to believe you.

    Be sure that the strengths that you mention line up with what the job needs. If you're great at public speaking and it's a librarian job, you might want to come up with another "strength" to impress the interviewer.

    Weaknesses? Don't skewer yourself, but take advantage of an opportunity to put a positive spin on something that the interviewer might be wondering about. Take an honest look at your resume. If you've job-hopped lately, here's a good chance to address it. "As far as weaknesses go, some might say that I job-hopped a bit. those jobs weren't great fits for me, but I'm sure this job is much more in line with my interests and talents. I'm excited to be here."

    Stay positive and energetic in the interview, and good luck!


  5. That your a perfectionist or that you expect too much out of yourself is always a good one.  The lastest one that I notice is that I don't always care about the "why" of what went on; I just want to fix the problem.

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