
I have an interview at a nursery what should i take with me and what will i be asked?

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I have an interview at a nursery what should i take with me and what will i be asked?




  1. You will probably be given questions on what to do in certain situations with children. How will you discipline? Will your projects be open ended and age appropriate? What experience have you had working with children? Why do want this job and what do expect your duties will be? Dress professionally and think before you answer questions. Check some Internet sites on age appropriate teaching practices or read some articles from educational magazines.

  2. Questions you may be asked: How would you handle a child who hit another child? How would you plan a lesson for a group of four year olds/ What would you change if that lesson was for two year olds? What would you do if you saw bruises on a child?

    What is your favorite children's book? Favorite children's song? What would you do if the assistant or teacher in your room made you do all the cleaning up? How can you keep children safe and healthy? What are universal precautions.

    What to bring: A good attitude, a neat appearance and any kind of lesson you have developed that you are proud of. Ask questions also, what will my hours be, will i be asked to work in other classrooms? Who will be my supervisor?

    Good luck.

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