
I have an interview at the Buckle. How long afterwards should i expect to hear if I got the job?

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I would appriciate it if those who are or have been employed with the company could provide a little insight. I am so excited! I have always wanted to work there!




  1. I haven't heard of Buckle. But I am a business owner. You really should ask that question of the person who took your interview. I would say that after 2-3 days if you haven't heard back from them, give them a call.

  2. How long it takes to hear back can vary among employers. However, it sounds as if the interview is in the future. Focus your attention on preparing for the interview. Practice your responses to typical interview questions. A great list can be found here:

    During the interview, if you want the position, let them know that you are interested in the position and ask the interviewer what the time line is on making a decision. Get permission to follow-up by telephone in a week if you haven't heard anything.

    Then be sure to send a thank you note within twenty-four hours. This is a great way to stand out from fellow candidates.

    Best of luck!

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