
I have an interview for a community nursery nurse. I was wondering if you have any tips on q's they may ask?

by Guest34047  |  earlier

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I have an interview for a community nursery nurse. I was wondering if you have any tips on q's they may ask?




  1. They might ask how many years experience you have working with infants/toddlers.

    Your educational background, specifically in early childhood development, and the basic first-aid, infant CPR, administering meds, keeping and protecting records, nursing background

    What are some activities you would do with the infants/toddlers in your care if they are wating to be picked up if they are sick?

    Good luck!

  2. Your background, experience working with children. Are you familiar with 'every child matters' and its implications on child welfare. Behaviour strategies--whether you use positive reinforcement of behaviour. Your views on inclusion.

    Types of activities you could provide.

    Be yourself, show you have a sense of humour and relax.

    Good luck

  3. Usually most interviews ask:




    Why you chose this job?

    Why you left your last.

    They may tel you about the job and then ask you if its sounds like it suits you.

    So read up online as much info about your county's schemes and about the company you are working for. Read up on current theories and issues so that you have something to raise in the interview. Good Luck

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