
I have an interview for an art apprenticeship today... help?

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so in this apprenticeship, i would be working with an artist in mural painting and i have an interview for this today... any advice would be great! thanks

ps im 16 and its a teen program called baddog productions




  1. remember artists are very kind and sensitive at heart. if he/she asks you any thing then be polite  correct truthful  in answering. thing of the job satisfaction first then of salary.all the best

  2. First of all congratulations!!

    For your interview, be enthusiastic and smile. You must like art so remember that you will be doing something you enjoy. Let your excitement over having the opportunity to work with a mural artist show. Listen attentively at what the artist has to say and answer his questions clearly.

    You will do just fine. :)

  3. I am a 35 year veteran mural artist and I will tell you my best helpers are self starters. I'm trying to work-so anyone that tapes, paints, moves ladders, cleans up and self babysits was huge to me. I can't paint and do my job if my apprentice is not doing theirs. I had one girl that was a great artist but totally terrified to paint in public and on a wall-its paint-go for it! Of course you need instruction as to what is wanted or needed but polite attitude, intelligence and lack of laziness is key. If you finish a job and don't know what to do next-ask. Don't sit down and wait. My daughter helps me now-she's only 14 and a better helper than the girl or the artist who kept being late because he partied and forgot to mention he was slightly "color blind!!!!"-true! Any background in working with the public, on projects that involve construction or decor are great. CLEANLINESS! A mural artist must leave the site cleaner than they came in!Good luck to you-I'm off this morning to a mural job at an elementary school-an entire 5th grade class is helping (whew!)

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