
I have an interview next week for a Computer Instructor position. I have to do a test teach for the interview.

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I have never taught before. So my question is, how do I do a "test teach"? Where do I get started? 10 points for the best help.




  1. do you like standing up in front of people talking?

    if you've not done much, then that's what you need to practice.

    family, school, mall, sidewalk, somewhere.

    that is, of course, assuming you already know what you're talking about.

    if you know what your "test teaching" will be about, write yourself an outline.

    then write out what you'll say.

    then go say it.

    several times.

    if you don't know, then pick a likely topic, and write about that.

    maybe a couple.

    then get up and say it.

    if nothing else, in front of a mirror.

    (mirrors aren't as intimidating as people.  after the mirror go find some people.  and have 'em ask questions.)

    however, lastly, if you're new at this, you'll be nervous.

    if you know your stuff, eventually it'll go away.

    and you won't know when it does.

    it's like turning the heat on in a cold room.

    you know it's cold.

    at some point it's hot.

    and you never notice when it's just right.

    the more you do it, the quicker you get over the nerves.

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