
I have an interview next week with Emirates Airlines as Cabin Crew im so scared. Can anyone give me any tips?

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how can i be confident...... i read that we will be divided into groups and they will observe how we deliver our opinions.




  1. This always works!

        Smile as many times as you can, Be polite, and make it look like you are the best at everything you do!

  2. Go to Monster and review their section on interviewing. They have so many resources on helping people present themselves confidently and professionally. They have lists of sample interview questions and offer help on the best ways to answer the toughest ones. You'll have to figure out how to make yourself relax before your interview so that you're not sweating like a pig and forgetting what you want to say. Maybe pop a Xanax an hour before your interview.  Good luck to you.

  3. If you really want to know and get a proper answer unlike here go to and look for the cabin crew section.

  4. . might be a good site but remember there will also be some disgruntled people writing their side only ,of a bad experience at emirates happens. Don't take the negatives in only the positives.

    Emirates likes people who can get along and work well with other people. Someone who will take charge when a situation requires and someone who is receptive to the inputs of others .. a team player

    Dress respectfully all the time and for the interview .You are being evaluated constantly. If you're bitchy to the hotel staff, taxi driver ,whoever ,it will get back to them. learn all you can about The Airline , The United Arab Emirates , the Muslim Religion and if you don't know the answer to something ..SAY SO don't BS them .You just wont get to the next stage if you do. Try to relax a bit in the interview and don't think your better than them and doing them a favor by being there ,you wont get past day one .Remember Emirates is a large and profitable airline. They have a lot to proud of .. and so will you once your in.

    I recommend you read a book or two written by Cheryl Cage her web site is will be shown the do's and dont's of the interview process. Cheryl is really good ...a MUST HAVE

    That's all for now

    Good Luck

  5. Sure, once you get  to the interview pretend that that's the best airline, and you need to look really excited about it!

  6. Virtually everyone is scared or apprehensive at an interview, even if they don't admit it.

    They will expect you to be nervous like everyone else. The trick is to try to look as confident as possible. Always dress smartly and business-like, smile a lot, and answer their questions directly - look directly at the person who asked you, and just answer the question as best as you can. Just as if you were having an honest and polite one-to-one conversation with them.

    Don't try to lie your way out of a question. It looks terrible and almost never works. If you don't know something, just tell them you don't know. Interviewers appreciate honesty a thousand times more than trying to pretend you know something and failing to convince them!

    Do not be fazed or upset if their reaction to an answer seems "off" (like their facial expressions, etc). Just move on. Occasionally interviewers do try to put you under a bit of pressure to see how you react. If you answered your previous questions honestly and straightforwardly, you will not get caught out later. Be sensible in your answers. "I applied for this job because I saw an ad in the paper yesterday and thought it might be a good idea at the time" is not a sensible answer. Do your homework. "I have no idea which country Emirates is based in!" is also not a sensible answer. The company website is a good start to learn about them.

    They usually ask you if you have any questions at the end. Don't be afraid to ask them a couple of questions about the job or company. This shows genuine interest in the job.

    There are heaps more tips, but these are a few basics. Remember, you are there to tell them why you want the job, why you would enjoy it, why you like their company, and so on.

  7. Grooming Grooming Grooming!

    I've been on a few airlines interviews and its the people that are confident and most vocal that tend to get the jobs.

    If you get split into groups, don't be afraid to take the lead in a conversation or question. Just make the distinction between leading the group and becoming bossy

    good luck!!!!!!!!!!

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