
I have an interview on Monday, how can I make sure I get the job I want?

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Help? I want this job so bad. I have a teaching interview on Monday. I have been to many of these for the past four years, but I haven't been able to secure a job with any school. I know I must be doing something wrong to not get hired. I am reading a book called "Teaching from Early Childhood thru 12th Grade". I have been to workshops, but I still get very nervous, and feel intimidated by the staff. What do I do?




  1. As someone who has been involved in the hiring process, all I can say is be prepared.  We are always impressed with candidates who do their homework and become very familiar with our district and it's goals.  Go to websites and see what you can find.  In the last set of interviews we did, we passed on someone we really liked because they had no clue about state and district teaching standards, and our district is very proactive when it's come to teaching standards.  Bring a professional portfolio along with pictures of your work, letters of recommendation, letters from students, etc.  Be professional, be friendly, and be enthusiastic.  Last but not least, remember that students come first.

  2. Keep cool, but never be too much relaxed. Show them the expression that you need the job and you are trying to be both relaxed and anxious.

  3. Hello dee:

    Not knowing the extent of your qualifications you may want to begin first by confirming that you meet the requirements for the position.  There is alot to be admired for determination  however unfortunately or fortunately the minimum requirements  have to be met and in many cases budgets and certainly school budgets are limited in funding so they are looking for the biggest bang for there buck.  So be the "bang" and say to them, only if you are, you are most interested in the position and tell them what they can expect by adding you to there team.  Always be sincere and most of all be yourself.  Dress appropriately and be specific when responding to their questions.  And last but not least appear to be confident, smile and look the interviewing panelist in the eye at all times. Kids are our future. Try to remember that.

    Best to ya!

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