
I have an interview tomorrow, any tips?

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I have an interview tomorrow at a middle school. This is my first real interview with a school district. I am meeting with the principal and the math specialist. Do you have any tips or suggestions for me? Possible questions they might ask? Good questions that I should ask them?





  1. smart of you to do your "homework" B4 the interview jake (pun fully inteneded ;-).

    First and foremost, don't go into the interview being nervous (yeah...easier said than done eh). Second, always maintain  eye contact with the interviewer(s).

    As for questions, you might get the generic ones as...why do you want to work for xyz school...what do you like most about being a would you manage a stressful situation in a classroom..etc.

    Best of luck jake.....Teachers Rock!!!


  2. I learned a good tip while I was in school.....research the school and the district before you go in for the interview. Bring up some information about the district during the interview.  That way the person who is interviewing you will know that you are interested and spent time finding out about the city.  Good Luck.  

  3. They usually like to ask question like why you want to be a teacher or why teaching at .......... middle school interests you on top of everything else. I'm actually an education major and asked a question similiar to this not too long ago. If you like you can go into my profile and look at some of the answers I got. It would probably help you a lot considering some of the peole I got answers from were on hiring committee at the schools. Anyway good luck!!

  4. 1) Dress appropriately. Nothing revealing, no sandals.

    2) If you have any tattoos, cover them. If you have extra piercings, get rid of them.

    3) Smile

    4) Answer the question asked and nothing more. Don't expound on an answer. Just answer what is asked.

    5) Don't ask about any sick days, vacation days or personal days.

    6) Ask when they will be making the decision

    7) Ask about the health insurance

    8) They may ask: Why do you want to work here? What is the last book you've read? (be honest because the next question will be "What is your favorite part?" If you lie, you run the risk they have read the book you said and then they will know you are lying). Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

    9) Just be yourself and be honest.

    10) Remember if you fib and get the job, it may not be a good fit for your personality and skills. Good luck!

  5. Don't tell them that you smoke Marijuana. You won't get hired.

  6. Do your homework, Research the school and find out about thier math curriculum and figure out ways that your philosophies match theirs.

    Wear a suit and look professional. Be thoughtful in your answers and be personable. I remember taking notes and giving points to the interviewee... Make sure you explain and talk - don't just mention an idea... elaborate.

    Know your behavior management style. Middle school is hard and lots of it is behavior management.

  7. Have lots of situational examples  (ie ... what would you do if....; tell us a time when....; outline of a long range plan).

    Be able to verbalize you philosophy of teaching; discipline techniques; why they should hire you; how to deal with difficult parents/ conflict

    good luck!!!

  8. firstly congratulations!

    You may wish to ask about the school itself and the other teachers and the pupils. Are there any special programs for certain children, the discipline rules and also is there is anything else you should be aware of in regards to certain school rules.

    They may ask you why you think you should get the job. A good one they throw in usually is "have you found yourself in a conflict situation? if so how did you  work through it and what was the outcome?" that one is a good one as it shows them how you react in a conflict environment and how your conflict management is.

    They might throw in a few q's about yourself and what you do and why you like the industry.

    Whatever you do dont fib about anything. It will bite you in the ****.

    All the best and good luck :)

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