
I have an interview tomorrow for the golf course! help on info! clothes/questions?

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I have an interview tomorrow for the golf course! help on info! clothes/questions?

so tomorrow i have an interview at garden city to work in the country club for golf!

in the interview what kind of questions do i expect?

like what do i expect to know?

what are the key things i should know?

thanks!and what do i wear? idk what to wear (im a guy)

also if you were asked this> "Out of everyone who is applying for this job why should we pick you?"

what would u answer

honest answers please!

thank you so much!!




  1. Wear a very nice Golf shirt, slacks, and nice shoes. Bone up on general golf terms and brand names of clubs. Dont pretend to  know everything. You can pick up some nice golf shirts at the thrift store. They always say dress like the ppl interviewing you and my hubby did work for the LPGA execs and they always wore golf shirts( I met them too)

    As far as Q's be honest. Say I really want to work here because..... I am am very interested in learning and am quick to learn new things yada yada-Also go to Monster as they have a search engine  that will tell you how to answer Q's such as that. You will have to register but should only take a minute but they have a great library of things like what to wear and what to say. Good Luck on your interview.

  2. Perhaps, if you disclosed the job for which you will be interviewed, the answerers could pinpoint the dress code as well as give pointers on possible questions. Dress neatly, shine your shoes, make a presentable appearance and half the battle has been won.

  3. First, most definitely wear nice pants and a polo/golf shirt. Expect to be asked customer service type questions. Make sure they know you enjoy golf and enjoy working with people/customers. It would be helpful if you like golf and have knowledge about the sport in general. Other than that, just make sure they know you are dependable and responsible. Good Luck!

  4. polo and slacks

  5. Depends on the job.

    A few musts:

    -Be clean shaven, neat in appearance, remove any earrings/nose rings, and try to hide any tattoos (I have 3; I just wear a long sleeve shirt and I'm good to go).

    -Make sure your shoes (wear a dress/loafer, NOT gym shoes)

    are not scuffed.  Polish/shine if appropriate

    -Your clothes should be clean and pressed, or at least not wrinkled and/or stained.

    -A pair of slacks, a dress shirt/polo, and a blazer would go over very well.  If you're applying for any kind of mid/upper level position, wear a dark suit, light coloured shirt, and tie.

    Since I conduct interviews, what I cannot stand are obvious answers.  I'm asking an interviewee these questions for a reason beyond going through a meaningless exercise.  So if you tell me it's because you're a hard  

    What I "want" is someone to take a moment and put together a coherent answer to the question I'm asking.  Ask yourself the question- why should they hire me?  I want someone who has actually done a bit of research (use the Internets) about the company.  

    So if you were (hypothetically) to answer with something showing you've done research and that you want to move up within the company...great.  But please- don't bore me with nonsensical drivel and five-cent buzzwords.  I can teach a monkey how to do a job.  I can't teach attitude, morality, ethics, and effort.  I can't teach someone who shows up on time, every day, without exception.  I can't teach honesty.  

    Good luck.

  6. 1] always dress up a step from the level you will be working.

    Ex: if you are required to wear golf or polo shirt, then wear a dress shirt, dress slacks, tie and jacket to the interview. Include nice shoes [ polished, neat shoelaces ], and a good belt.

    2] neat hair, shaved or trimmed beard, clean teeth, good breath, manicured nails, VERY LITTLE cologne

    3] bring a leather or leather look portfolio or notebook, with questions in it. Take notes during the interview.

    4] google 'how to interview', and write notes to self

    5] research what they pay, and ask for slightly more [ end of interview ]

    6] why should they hire you - you are a hardworker, a quick learner, [ good grades, community activities ], good with people, honest, you enjoy learning new things, and you need to earn money for college.

  7. What will you be doing?

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