
I have an interview with Lowe's today for a cashier postion..Help?

by Guest44713  |  earlier

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I dont really know what they are gonna ask.I am never good at giving answers to some questions.Does anybody know what they will ask and what I should say?




  1. questions like:

    Tell me about your past jobs

    WHy you interested to work for us

    How you deal if your boss yell at you

    How you deal under pressure...

    this kind of stuff

    Good luck

  2. I was just hired on at Lowe's and I went through all of that. It sort of becomes a blur since you're so focused on trying to make a good impression... but some of the things I remember are...

    As a shopper, If you leave a store unhappy with your shopping experience, what are some of the things that were wrong?

    As a shopper, If you leave a store HAPPY with your shopping experience, what are some of the things that made it positive? (they look for good answers on these 2)

    What are some things that make you the best candidate for this position?

    What is your greatest strenght and weakness?

    They'll also give you some stats. Out of 100 people who go through the interview process at Lowe's, only 6 of them get hired. 95% of customers WILL return to your store as long as you take care of their problem.

    Another thing, if you get through the first interview, you'll take a 40 question (I think) test that is mostly about honesty called the Reid Report. It does know if you're being too honest, so be careful. Also, they will make you take an oral drug screen that they send off when they check your background.

    I hope some of this helps! Email me at if you have any questions. Good luck!

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