
I have an interview with an airline and I haven't worked for 8 years. What would you say?

by Guest57523  |  earlier

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I did a bunch of tests and phone interviews and Delta are flying me to Atlanta on Tuesday to do a face to face interview to become a flight attendant.

I basically haven't worked full time since 2000 because I recieve funds from a family source (like a trust fund) and I have been writing for a magazine but i have a monthly column and really it only takes me a couple of days a month to write it.

I have to undergo a ten year employment check.

How do I say to them that I have a private, independent income and haven't really needed to work but now I want to?

I really, really want to fly with them. I don't actually 'need' to work but I have always wanted to fly as a flight attendant and believe I would be great at it - and love it.




  1. just tell them you are ready for a change and this is a wonderful opportunity and you have done all those things and even though you do not need the income you want the challenge and you cant wait to start working for sincere and be honest and good luck!

  2. Dear Been There...

           I have been in the same boat as you...didn't have to work for a loooooong period of time....when I did decide to further my career and interview for a professional position...I told them my circumstances...not needing to work...and that I had decided to stay home with my children while they were young...I got the Position...I now work for myself...but I got my foot in the door with that Position...Best of Luck to You!

  3. That's enough right there, just be honest, say you had been pursuing your dreams as a writer and recieved occasional income, and living off a trust allowed you to do that. Say you feel you have accomplished more than you had imagined you would in that area and now you are ready for a career. Good luck, and be confident, don't act shy during your interview, because flight attendants are generally confident.

  4. It may ring a shady bell if you don't tell them exactly that. Maybe have copies of your column if appropriate. They might just be excited that you don't need to work but are excited about working with them.

  5. Just tell them exactly what you said here - that you haven't had to work but you really want to.  You said you haven't worked for 8 years and they do a 10 year check - did you have employment for that other two years?

  6. Wow! my moms a flight attendant for Delta.

    I wouldn't do it.

    It sucks!

    Where actually here in Atl too.

    She likes it, but...

    (Are they even hireing?)

    But anyway, they treat you like c**p pretty much.

    If your sick, they don't give a S**t

    stuff like that.

    I wouldn't do it dude.

  7. You know the drill. Just tell them the truth. I was unemployed for less than desirable reasons. Went to work for the Navy as a private contractor and never looked back. Honesty is always the best policy.

  8. Tell them you have been working as a consultant. That is what I say. I didn't work for 5 years and that is what is on my resume.

    Try to pad it and say that as a consultant you were a writer, adviser, customer service rep.

    That will work. Good Luck.

  9. just say that... be honest with them. tell them that you are fortunate to not have to work, but you WANT to work.

    dont mention it unless they do, of course,..

    they will probably want to make sure you arent lazy, so just make sure you have lots of answers to : how do you spend your day, if you dont work? type of question: your hobbies, what you do all day.. ya know..

    i don know if that helps, but thats what id do

  10. say what u said here !just say you didn't need to work so u been writing for a magazine -writing for a magazine is still work anyways!and say you still dont need to work but you would like to now because you have to much spare time and you would like to have a new career!

  11. Tell the truth. If they ask, say you didn't have a real need for a job at the time, but now you are more free to work.

  12. That's more part of the security check than the interview itself.  As far as the interview goes, just be honest.  For the background check, again, be honest, but also be ready to give references of people not related to you who can vouch for what you have been doing for the last 10 years.  If there is any gap in employment which employers can't vouch for, the TSA needs names to be able to trace your general activities before clearing you for a security-sensitive position.

  13. Tell them the truth, just like you did here. You will probably have to provide some proof of what you were doing however. Personal references may help.

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