
I have an interview with the financial ombusman service- for a role as an adjudicator. any tips?thanks

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I have an interview with the financial ombusman service- for a role as an adjudicator. any tips?thanks




  1. Dress appropriate for the job. Be clean and presentable. When you begin the interview, be pleasant and friendly. When you get the opportunity to talk about yourself, tell the interviewer why you want to work for this company, why you will be a good employee and what you can positively bring to the company by being chosen for the position.

    Say that you will be an honest, hardworking team player. If you are an organized person, say this too. Do not lie about your abilities, they will terminate you once hired if you are not what you promise to be. But definitely talk up all your positive abilities. Let them know you want the job and make them want to hire you.  

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