
I have an issue with talking really fast

by  |  earlier

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Like seriously, people can't understand me a lot of the time

I try to talk slower, but I always wind up talking fast.

How can I make it so at the least I am understandable?




  1. yeah, i have a problem with talking fast all of the time. xD

    like, mostly when i wanna say something to somebody; like if i get excited about something coming up & i just start talking fast and sometimes i stutter. :D

    it's really weird, & i don't like it, but i dunno if you can get rid of it or not. /:

    you could try this:

    whenever you're about to speak, and you know that you're gonna talk fast, close your eyes or something and relax for a while. think about what you're about to say to the person & then try to say it slowly and clearly the best you can. (:

    just keep doing that, or you could practice on somebody, like your best friend or a sibling, if you have one. xD

    & i guarantee that you'll be talking normally in no time. :D

    hope i helped. <3

  2. Don't feel alone.. I have the same issue.

  3. when you are talking to someone, always focus on talking at a normal rate. eventually youll stop.

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