
I have an item im selling on ebay, but the buy it now option i have on it isnt showing on the listing, why?

by  |  earlier

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I have an item im selling on ebay, but the buy it now option i have on it isnt showing on the listing, why?




  1. If you have a buy it now price and it is also on an auction, as soon as you get a bid, even if it's low, your buy it now price will dissapear, because it has now begun the auction. This is a pain, but that is the way it works.

  2. I don't really know how that stuff works, but maybe somebody bought it?

  3. that's happened to me a few times. i don't know why for sure, but just assumed i screwed up when keying it in.

  4. Ebay is starting to have more and more problems like this.

    They no longer really care enough about people to worry about fixing problems, they are just out for money anymore.

    Recently there was even a powerseller who listed 35,000 items and discovered that no bid or buy link either one was working on them, good luck getting eBay to refund the fees.

    In the fine print of the user agreement you will read that there are no refunds or liability for technical failures.

    If we all went to them there would be alternatives to eBay, but currently they have a monopoly on online auctions.


  5. If you have had a bid on the item it automatically removes the buy it now option. As you can't have a buy it now if an auction bid has gone on it.

  6. if you have any bids on the item . then  the buy it know option does no longer shows

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