
I have an obssesion with homosexuality?

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First things first. I am a STRAIGT GIRL and I'm 14. And for some reason I'm really obsessed with homosexuality. For some reason it really intreges me, and it's my biggest intrest at the moment. I don't really read articles or whatever but when I see 'g*y' or 'homosexual' i imediatly read the whole thing. Whenever I see guys walking by I'm allways like "is he g*y? is he g*y? hm...i wonder if he's g*y? ZOMG a g*y couple!!! Aww...they look so cute!! X3" and no matter what...I can't stop looking at yaoi!! (to people who don't know what 'yaoi' is: go to wiki) and becuase I read yaoi I get more curious about real homosexual relationships and even more curious about g*y s*x, if they are like yaoi s*x or not. I'll be even willing to put a glass up to a hotel door!

I can't find any articles something like this so i was afraid it wasn't normal at all. Well is it normal? Should I try not to have these obsessions? What's your opinion?




  1. I don't care. If that's what you like to do, then do it. Good for you.


    d**n, you were 14 and still obssessed with horses and ponies? ... I'm so so sorry. I apologize Ms. Happy; I take back everything I've said about you, I truly didn't know your background.

  2. At your age I was like that about horses and ponies.  You'll grow out of it too.

  3. If it's something you're curious about, especially considering your age, explore it. Just be safe and smart about it.

  4. im 14 too, and its normal to have obessions with g*y guys, becuase like me, im interested in lesbians, which many men find it obsessive. Its just hormones in your body. So dont worry about it! :)

  5. At this age your always curious about s*x and the many different aspects of it.  I to was curious, but about females. When ever I spotted a couple I wondered what their world was like.  See, I think its fun to experience the world through someone else's eyes.  Please be careful, but know you are very normal.  

  6. At your age it quite normal to be wondering about sexuality in general and about your sexuality in particular.  

  7. What do you plan to do with a g*y man when you find him?

    Are you trying to turn him straight through the 'magic' of s*x with you?  It's a power/mothering trip.

    Are you trying to save his soul?  It's a religious power trip.

    Are you curious why he exists?  You're trying to figure this whole 's*x' thing out and he's the case you can find a slot for.

  8. i tink its totally normal (im 14 too, tunring 15 soon)

    i mean not htat everyone goes thruogh the stage, but a lot oof ppl go therough obsessions and whatevr its not such a big deal from what youre describing, youre not even trying anything out.

    dont worry abotu it if you ask me

  9. Well, perhaps you are facinated by male sexuality, and g*y sexuality provides double the male imagery. Also, it is not threatening. Fantasizing about g*y s*x does not include women, so you don't have to think about your role in s*x.  

  10. At your age it is entirely normal to have an interest in s3x and its many and diverse variations.

    It is NOT normal, or sensible to troll around message boards shouting about it.

    And, you might like to keep in mind that homosexuality is not 'cute', nor designed for your viewing entertainment. It is people's actual lives.

    Try some of the links below to talk with people your own age about these issues, this board is for discussions relative to social science.

    Cheers :-)

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