
I have an offer for a job in Dubai that pays 10,370/month plus housing. Is this a good offer?

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I have an offer for a job in Dubai that pays 10,370 AED/month plus housing. Is this a good offer? How much can I expect to save from this salary if I am supporting myself and my wife?




  1. Dear,

    Savings will be depends your expenditure from this package. As you said, your salary is 10370 + Housing, so you may able to save a major part you can say 70-80% of your salary, and of course it will depends on your expenditure as all the facilities including Dance Bars in Dubai. Actually major part of salary package will eat the housing facility, but your package is salary +housing, so no need to think twice, grab it.

    One more if you are planning to live with your wife here, just confirm your housing facility is for family or bachelor!

    Expects your monthly savings will be 7-8K per month.


  2. Yes, I am sure this is.. and you should grab it...only beause you are being paid housing. Housing costs are too expensive in Dubai.. 50% or more than that goes in paying rent i would say you have a good offer in your hand

    Good luck...

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