
I have an office that is partitioned with high walls but no door. Any creative ways to seal off the door area?

by Guest55919  |  earlier

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I have an office that is partitioned with high walls but no door. Any creative ways to seal off the door area?




  1. you could put a curtain up! Or get on of  those roll up window shades and put it there!! But i an not sure how often the doorway is used, and for what purposes so i'm not sure if these are too practical!!

  2. If there is no door how do you get out??

  3. use a movable partition or screen and put it  just inside your doorway so people have to turn to the side to walk in. make it pretty by adding a full length scenic pic like the beach or something on both sides


    Get a large one of these and say it's for brainstorming.

  5. install a door

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