
I have an old Pepsi glass bottle type pop machine, it currently accepts 50 cents. How can I change that?

by  |  earlier

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I have looked at the metal thing inside where you can see how the change moves down into the change box but don't see anything that looks like it can be moved to change it. At 50 cents a bottle it costs more to fill it than it will make off the pop. It seems to accept quarters only.




  1. It depends on the coin mechanism called "changer" It  should have small levers where the price can be changed

  2. Youd probably have to ask a pepsi person but... I have only seen people with those kinds of machines just put a sign over the price and have people pay in person , not at the machine.

    Isnt it horrible that pop cost so much money. The ironic thing is that it takes about 7 gallons of water to make one liter of pop. So not only do we pay for the pop but we are losing our water supply.

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