
I have an old doll that i can't find the maker for.?

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she is very pretty, I am not even sure what he is made of, hard plastic, or composition. she has a few minor cracks in her head. The only markings i can find are the initials P.L. on the back of her neck. Any help would be appreciated. Also has does anyone know anything about Cuno, Otto, and Dressel? I also have an old doll with that marking on her neck. she is fully jointed




  1. If you pull the arm out and its hollow she is hard plastic, if its solid its composition P marks were used by Ideal, plastic molded arts and Belle. If you could show me a face I would know right away, I believe you can upload pixs. With the cracks on the face it makes me think she is composition. They are literally thousands of doll manufactures since the early 1800's.

    Cuno, Otto, and Dressel is a German maker of dolls and toys founded in the  late 1700's in Sonneberg, Germany, one of the oldest manufacturers, that kept good records. Over the years the name did change some as they died off and formed new companies. The factory closed in 1943, they were lucky because of WWI and WWII, effected the trade of these dolls through out Germany and many and lets say most close and the factories were bombed and now were are just finding the shards. Many of there heads were made by Simon Halbig a very premium maker of heads. I have a fashion doll made by Dresser who the historians say Barbie was fashioned after.  You know nothing is original in this world.  Hope this helps

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