
I have an old fusebox in my home and i blew a fuse every time i change it the new one blows right in my hand.?

by  |  earlier

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What should i do?I've never had this happen before.




  1. Are you renting or is this your home???

    If it is your house , what is the main breaker service???

    If under 100 amp service then get it upgraded!!! sounds like yours is only a 30 amp.... I bet you only have like only 1 or 2 outlets per room!!!  You need an upgrade BAD!!!

    Get a good reliable electrician and run some new boxes and upgrade the system!

  2. You have a short circuit somewhere. If it is a power circuit, then unplug all your appliances in your house, then try changing the fuse again. Then, if it holds, plug your appliances back in one at a time until it blows again (don't touch any metal on the appliances when you do this, you can get a shock). You should be able to identify the faulty appliance from this. If it isn't a power circuit that's causing problems, or you still can't find the fault, then call an electrician

  3. Time for an electrician to install a new box and find the cause of the have too much stuff on one circuit somewhere. Some ppl who aren't qualified electricians tie in a bunch of stuff to one line run the risk of making you burn down your house.....Pay the little bit of money for them to inspect.....saves you alot of time/money and maybe your house in long run. Lol....3 thumbs down and 2 of the 3 guys had same suggestion?  and 1 guy didn't help you at all? I guess you will find the prob eventually whether it be you, the electrician, or the fire marshall diagnosing the reason the house burned down.

  4. You have a serious problem. When you open the box to change fuses, the power should be off and this would prevent a fuse blowing while in your hand.

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