
I have an older cat and a new kitten who don't get along, what should I do?

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The older cat is about 8 years old. The kitten is 4-5 weeks old. The older cat tends to hiss and growl at the kitten. Is there anything I should do or should I just wait it out hoping that they get along. At the time I wrote this it was the firs day they were together.




  1. Try and keep contact to a minimal for the first little while, the older cat probably feels threatened to have another cat in their home and playing with their humans. Never get cat new and think that your other one will get along with it instantly, introduce them slowly, let them get to know each other. I recently had this problem with my cats when I first got my new one, I let them get to know eachother on there own time, but a while back when I got my second I remember me and my mom would sit there on the couch I'd hold one cat she'd hold the other and we'd let them have staring contests, try that see if it works. Remember cats a VERY territorial

  2. what they are doing is normal, they are just determining which one is going to be the dominate one, just be patient and let them work it out, they will be buds before you know it, trust me I have 8 cats just got a new one today, it just takes some time, patients patients patients, give both of them equal amounts of attention but pay attention to the older cat first, if she get jealous of the kitten, it will be harder for them to become friends

  3. I think it's a little action and a little hope. I went through the same thing when I brought my kitten home. I would keep them separated and let them just sniff each other under the door. When I felt good enough to take another step, I would hold one and my boyfriend would hold the other. We'd let them sniff each other and paw at each other and stuff. I thought that the older cat was being too rough with the kitten, but maybe that's natural. I bought a "feliway" diffuser off line. It's a pheromone thing that helps with mood and all sorts of stuff. That helped. Now they are always together and the kitten follows the cat everywhere. I feed them together and they share treats off the same plate. Doing so seemed to help them bond. They wrestle around (often at night and they knock things over- ugh!) At some point the hissing will stop and they'll wrestle around and he cat will establish dominance. That's just how cats work things out among other animals. Just keep an eye on them and make sure it doesn't get out of hand! Good Luck!

  4. yea just give them sometime to get along. keep an eye on them in case the older one tries to hurt the kitten. but they'll be fine.

  5. Keep them away from each other for a while in 2 different rules. When you are ready and they seem like they practically forgot about each other bring them out to communicate. When the big cat hisses and growles you move him out of the way and discipline him. Then you put them with each other again. Make sure that they communicate. Have them sit together on a couch, or put them in a room together while you are still there in case there is a fight.  

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