
I have an oppurotunity to do embassy duty in the marine corps?

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My recruiter sais he will be able to gurantee me embassy duty as long as there is a job opening. I hear that embassy duty is one of the best duties in the marine corps. I need information regarding embassy duty. I know that if I sign up for it it will be 5 years.




  1. Embassy duty is special duty - your recruiter cannot guarantee it for enlistment. Read more about the requirements:

    Here's an interesting article from the Stars & Stripes about the Marine Security Guard Battalion (embassy duty):

  2. Embassy duty as a guarantee in an enlistment contract? I don't think so. I'd suggest talking to your recruiter again.

  3. I take it you are not in the Corps yet but just thinking of joining? Sorry to disappoint you but the recruiter cannot guarantee duty assignments. It may be possible for you to be assigned to an embassy but there are no guarantees. You will be assigned wherever the Corps needs you, in whatever capacity. A friend is fluent in German  who even lived in Germany as a child. He is an officer and applied for an intel posting in Europe. Know where he ended up? As a platoon leader of a combat unit in South Korea!

  4. he is a liar , they can only guaranteee you a general field of duty. he is prob. way behind on his numbers and trying some kids to sign up.

    they wont let no lil private guard a embassy.and even if you would get that job, they could send you to a embassy in africa,

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