
I have an ovarian cyst, now what?

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I didn't get an ultrasound but my doctor is pretty sure I have one (and I also am pretty sure, I checked all the symptoms online). She said we'll just wait it out and see what happens.

At what point should I be worried? I have abdominal pain and it gets pretty bad sometimes, but what are the sure signs that I should contact her again?




  1. I think you should see a doctor if its still there for 2weeks

    Plz answer mine

  2.     These are very common.  One of two things happens.  Either your body  reabsorbs the cyst, or it bursts.  If it bursts, it hurts at the time, but then it's like nothing happened.  This is not a big issue.  It's a normal part of being female.  

  3. Okay I must say that being a woman with frequent ovarian cyst that your doctor was CRAZY not to order a Inter vaginal Ultrasound. That is the only way they can determine if the cyst is fluid filled meaning that it can go away on its own or blood filled which is very dangerous and can lead to internal bleeding. I suggest a second opinion until you get an ultrasound done, then your doctor can suggest birth control pills which can reduce the frequency of the cyst.  

  4. Make sure you follow up on this, I had cysts, turned out at pcos, I am 33 and no children, I have gone through so many procedures and hormone therapy over the years.  It can make you infertile, I do not know how old you are but the younger you are when you catch it, the easier it is to treat.

  5. you need to get that removed. i think it's stupid how the doctor is saying "we'll see." you should get it removed before it gets bigger; because if not, overtime it will become more painful for you, and more work for them to remove it. just because it's small they probably think they don't have to remove it, but you should bring this up with your doctor.

  6. My wife had the same thing happen to her.  She went on birth control pills and lost some weight, then the cyst shrank.  It took about three months.  If that doesn't work for you, your doctor might operate and cut the cyst out, leaving your ovary in tact and functional--.healthy

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