When I had both parents my father was never around to give me moral support and my mother was very overprotective of me and judgemental of everyone. She and dad broke up and she constantly compares me with him when we argue. We argue over the stupidest things. Now I'm 20 years old, getting my Associate's Degree and working 2 jobs but I can't stand coming home. I can barely save money to move out because I don't get enough hours in either job to pay for my food, gas, and phone bills and I'd rather keep my classes full time. My mother won't allow me to chose a degree I like, she says if I want to pursue psychology I have to pay for it on my own and live on my own but if I pursue law she'll pay for my pre-law bachelor's degree and let me live in her house until I get to law school. I feel insecure about standing on my own because I have no money and my mother is the only one who can help me but she emotionally abuses me A LOT. And I'm afraid of making many friends or girlfriends because in the past she quickly overjudged them and tainted my view of them. She interferes with every aspect of my life and when I break down and tell her straight to her face that I want MY OWN LIFE and she's being controlling and abusive she invalidates it and calls me a *****, or even throws my the same accusations back in my face. I want to be out there on my own, and I get my license in 2 days. I really need help on how to survive these 2 more years with my mother until I graduate and go out on my own. Please, any kind of advice, I'd be glad to take.