
I have an painful scrape burn on top of my eyebrow

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What should I use to keep this scrape rug burn from turning black, and what should i use to make it heal faster. Right now its pink and it hurts, and i'm also using some Neosporin Oitment with an "Johnson&Johnson" Bandaid. Oh and it has been clean




  1. Scabs and scrapes turn black for two reasons: lint and dried blood. Since it's on your eyebrow, not covered by clothes, lint will not be an issue. As long as you don't pick at it and cause it to bleed, it should stay pink/red maybe brownish; normal scab colors.

    Keep it clean, keep using neosporin. Most neosporin types have pain relief built in, if yours doesn't, you can try ice to numb the scrape or you can take an Advil/Tylenol. Use a band-aid during the day, but uncover it at night so it can "breathe".

    Scrapes are painful but shallow. You should be healed up in around 5 days.

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