authadontist (sorry about the spelling) opointment coming up in the next week to check if i need braces.
but i wanted to see if anybody knows the answer, doesn't have to be definite, but if anybody can tell me if theres a chance it could be a yes to braces.
okay well, i'm going to try+put this as easy as i can.
well, my top set of teeth are infront of my bottom. so its like this; set........|
..bottom set..|
imagine the " | " is where my front teeth are.
the edge of my tounge sort of sticks out of it, so i think thats why.
can anyone tell me if i will have to have braces, + if they'll help?
also, can someone give me a good whitning toothpaste that works.
i use colgate, atm, but its not great.