
I have an twelve year old daughter and she wants a pet. But not fish cause hers died. What should I get her?

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She is a real animal lover but not spiders or rats. Otherwise she loves anything, birds, snakes, hamsters, etc.




  1. if you dont mind. family pet. meaning a dog.

    but if its something for her personaly to have and take care of i say... a rabbit or even a turtle.

  2. i think a little doggy like a chiwawa that always stays smalls thats cute she could play around with it =]

  3. she would loveee i rabbit. they are the cutest pets.. and they dont require alot of care.. but they are always ther to love you.  

  4. hamster/bird/rabbit/dog/cat/snake!

  5. Turtle. They live for a long time. For full info check my source below.  

  6. I am not saying anything bad about your daughter, but get something that YOU will be willing to take care of if she slacks off on her responsibilties. But you should let her choose. :)

  7. an elephant!

  8. How about a puppy?

  9. I would suggest a guinea pig they are rodents alike to hamsters heres a picture

  10. Here is what you should totaly get here im listing them by numbers through the best pets!









    here is what you sh ould not get her






  11. snakes dont smell essy to take care of and very fun to have not mean i have 2 snakes very nice if u do get 1 get a ball point python anywhere but petco im a pet lover 2 i have ton of pets all healthy im only 12 and have 3 pets alone a cat snake and a guinea pig which also very easy to take care of eather a snake i love him or a guinea pig soft and fluffy

  12. i think you should get her a hamster because they are easy to take care of and there cute and cuddly.

  13. A kitten: they're cute, and don't take much to look after as they have a mind of their own.

    A puppy/dog: Great family dog, but get a bigger breed, as the smaller dogs bark heaps. A lab or a retriever, maybe a newfoundland, or a collie.

    Collies are quite smart, and easy to train.

    Newfies are friendly, and love water.

    Labs/retrievers: have shorter fur, so will be easier to brush and clean, also easy to train and a great family pet.

    Rabbits: Mini lops, or dwarf lops, as they're heaps easier to take care of than the bigger animals, or breeds of rabbits. Except they need their hutches cleaned every 1 -7 days. And a bath quite often.

    Also lops are cute, even as they get older.

    Birds: Not so great, unless you get hens.

    Hens: You can get them to lay yummy fresh eggs, they're so cute when they're younger, and also don't mind being picked up too often, or patted.

    Hamsters/Guinea Pigs: I suggest not getting these, as they're rodents. :)

    Snakes: I don't have them where I live, so Idk.

  14. Kittens are usually extremely lovable. They may claw you, but it's only because they are playing, or they don't know better. I would recommend this animal because loads of females from age 2 up to age 99 love cats. They help you if you're lonely, sad, or just want a playmate.

  15. For a family pet type thing, I'd go with a cat. They can be easier to take care of then puppies, especially in house training and cleaning.

    If you mean a cage pet, go with a guinea pig. They require a bigger cage then hamsters, but they won't get huge like rabbits. And hamsters can be rather nippy little things, guinea pigs rarely bite. Oh and they make the cutest sounds.:P

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