
I have an uncovered patio made of cement?

by  |  earlier

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it leaks into the room below it when it rains is there something to seal it or do i need to remove it and re do it




  1. Sounds like u have a patio on top of ur room.  The moisture, might be coming in from the sides.  How bad is the leak?  Look around the sides...make sure it's properly sealed.  Create a ledge to guide the water OFF the walls.  Water penetration usually occured when there is a crack on the cement.  But at a seepage rate.  It's ur call....U can just seal the cement or u can make a new one.  It's a $ issue.  If I inspect the roof/ patio and it just call for a 1" layer to add on.  I would recomment that first.  Unless, u want to spent money like couple of thousand to satisfy urself.   Besides a good roofer will seal the patio with Hot mop and roofing rolls. At a fraction of cost.

  2. This a case where a picture is worth a thousand words.

    It sounds as if the slab is poured against foundation wall.A couple things to look at.

    1) window wells set to low.

    2) take a level and check slab and see if it drains away from house.A 1/4 to 1/2 bubble downslope should drain fine.

    3) did they use expansion joint between slab and wall?.If they did you can use some self levelling caulk available at home depot/Lowe's.Small tubes run about $6.00 and the larger ones about $12.00.This stuff is extremely runny and self levelling,so keep a piece of cardboard close as not to get all over.

    4) check other areas of backfill around house,could be coming from somewhere else.

    Good Luck

  3. Remove and redo.

    Or find a builder who can seal it up somehow.

  4. A seal job lasts about 3 years and a new pour with drainage will be more. Check you home owners insurance.

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