
I have an urge for acknowledgment?

by  |  earlier

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I have never really been popular with people. I have always been that guy in the back. So I think being acknowledged feels good. I alway's imagine myself as that cool guy, but that is just in my imagination. I have no talents, except for singing, and I am afraid to sing in front of people, so how can I get acknowledged for that? Well, I can't. I know it sounds stupid, like me wanting to be popular and all that, it is just, nobody has ever thought of me as "that cool person". What can I do about this?




  1. Read the book "The Power of Now"

  2. go t college and change things around...dont give a rats **** about what people think iether, sing if you want to

  3. I totally understand, because I am one of those people also. But the funny thing is, is that I'm more popular on the internet then in real life that I can see and touch. I think the reason for that, is that people take the time to listen to someone they are reading about. They have to make themselves learn more about the person, then when they would competing for the attention in a room full of people.

    There are many people who appear to be popular, but they are lonely and desperate for something real, of quality, and genuine.

    If everyone took off their mask, there would be no popularity to a greater extent.

    Popularity isn't important, unless you are running for the elections. Even at that it could be very deceptive.

    You be yourself, because one day someone is going to see something in you, that many cannot see, and thats going to be a person that you will appreciate more, because they have taken the time to know you fully, because they like you, so there would be no need to make a great impression and you can be the person that you are now without striving.

  4. I acknowledge your mohawk.

  5. You just made yourself be known on here. I think you can probably do more than this if you really try..just get out there and do it starting with your friends. You have to start somewhere. Let them know that you are somebody. I know this really cool guy..he's so hot...rides a bike, does all the right things as far as I am concerned but never makes a move in any direction. Just like me...we'd make a good pair..maybe that's the answer..find yourself a girl that matches you exactly.....

  6. you sound pretty cool to me.  As for singing  you will find that the older you get your self esteem builds and you will dare to take a chance.

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