
I have anger in me. how can i get rid of it?

by Guest58230  |  earlier

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i've always been an easy going person. i'm forty now and i can only remember myself as a caring person sensitive and that sort. ever since i've got into a relationship with someone very homophobic who from time to time has been disrespectful, insulting and competitive i changed. i was more like i'm going to prove to u u'r wrong about me and now that our relationship is going fine and he's showing love and caring i find that i have all this anger in me. all the insults i heard the first 2 months of our relationship it's like i can't forgive, sometimes i feel like i'm the competitive one. i just don't like the whole thing , i don't know how to deal with it. I believe i care about my boyfriend and i want him to be part of my life but i have so much anger in me




  1. Pull a Christian Bale , and beat the **** out of your wife.


    Squeeze a stress ball.

    See a therapist.

  2. Some anger I believe is justified.  The real point is what to do with this anger.  You can vent to a third party (and by the way, this is what you are doing now by posting your question), you can lash out to your boyfriend, or you can accept it and let it wash away.

    By the way, how can a homophobic person become your boyfriend?  

  3. I was like you. My partner and I had endured years of abuse from her family. After her death, their final insult caused me to "Lose it" I wanted to kill the woman who cursed me by Gwen's grave. Some how I walked away but I developed severe depression. I was helped and had professional treatment. Try to find someone understanding. Perhaps the Salvation Army may help as the tend not to be judge-mental or push religion to those with problems.

    Anger can help in desperate situations but it can also be very destructive.

    Rose P.

  4. He's used to be in the closet? I dont get it. But if he admitted that he is homosexual you should each part your own ways. You know that he is capable of some very hurtful verbal abuse. It'd be for his own good anyway.

    As for your anger issue - What do you love to do? Do you have any hobbies? Do you enjoy traveling (like me)? Catch whatever life throws at you and embrace it.

  5. vent

  6. Obviously, if you are feeling this built up anger, you need to dump this person. If you never felt angry before this relationship and then magically you feel anger now....well, it's the relationship that's the problem. Good luck, try to break the news in a good way...don't unleash the anger in the breakup- that could get ugly.  

  7. I found a link for you, this should help :)

    - Joe

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