
I have annoying younger brother, what to do?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15, lucky i don't share my room, even though, i have a 14 years old brother who acts so childish, i can't stand him, he keeps bothering me and hitting me, and i always get the blame!!! what should i do?




  1. tell ur parents, talk to him and understand why he acts so childish

  2. talk to your parent about your problem.  you and your bother are close in age you should be friends.  maybe he needs some counseling.  don't argue with your parent about the situation tell them how you feel.good luck

  3. Talk to your parents about your problem. Tell them that he keeps doing things to get you in trouble. Then talk to your brother. Tell him that he needs to stop because you keep getting in trouble. If he keeps doing it talk to your parents again and say that he wont stop. They will do something about it.

  4. Younger brothers are alway a problem. They always have been and always will be. I know I am one and I am 67 yrs. old.  I am still a problem.

    I am the youngest of 5. The best you can do is just ignore him and things will let up. The more you fight him the worse it will get. I can promise you that. Once he finds it does not bother you he will give up as it is not fun any longer. I do not care how bad it bothers you do not let him know or it will continue and even get worse. I hope you take this to heart and work with it. It does work in time. Good Luck.

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