
I have another interview!! please help me out with something to say?

by  |  earlier

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I have an interview saturday! i saw an ad in the paper for an appointment setter. the problem is i never had a job before, and since im pregnant an appointment setter will be perfect. i wont say im pregnant just yet though! im 16 and she said its fine. so my age isnt a problem. what should i say to make her know i will be a great appointment setter lol, ive been on interviews before but never get hired.. and how should i dress for an appointment setting interview lol im soo nervious, i really need some advice please!!! this would be the perfect job!




  1. Best to error on the side of caution with regards to dress. Go fairly Conservative. The goal of this job is to try to convince people they want an appointment, so tell her about times when you have been able to convince people to do things that they maybe didn't want to do that much. Tell her how reliable you are, if you never miss a day of school tell her that, just don't lie. Also if you are very organized that will help in this position.

  2. You should wear something professional. Even if this job doesn't require you to dress up, you need to show that you mean business and want the job by dressing nicely. I would wear something that is modest. I'm not sure what you should say because I don't know much about the type of job your getting. Anytime you have an interview though you've got to tell them that you are a self-starter. let them know you are serious and always on time. What they don't want is someone that is going to goof off and waiste their time, effort, and money in hiring someone. So say everything you can to be the opposite of this. Good luck. Oh, and good luck with the pregnancy. By the way, don't feel bad about not telling them your pregnant. You don't have to tell them and you know you need this job now more than ever.

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