
I have applied for INDIAN PASSPORT on 2-11-2006 (application No.A129241-2006) till today passport not received

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I have applied for INDIAN PASSPORT on 2-11-2006 (application No.A129241-2006) till today passport not received




  1. Go to the passport office with the fee payment receipt and enquire the status of your application. In case you don't get satisfactory response, file an application under RTI seeking status of your application. You will get written reply in 30 days.

  2. You have not given the details about the RPO:

    anyhow go to the websight...find the position of the application: if there is no result:take the payment receipt,and ro to the RPO and approach  the enquiery you will be given the status:Or the other documents required:Try to take all the documents.. ration card,DOB certificate,etc with you:

       If it is very urgent give request letter to the RPO with a pre-police verification certificate: hey may consider,if the urgency is true:

    E mail,telephone enquiery & etc will have no use:If you leave at this stage you will not get the passport till your life-time.

        If there is no trace of your application in the RPO,apply in the Takkal scheme: and you will be able to get within a week:

  3. You will get it before 02-11-2007.

    You can check status on interest.  Check Cash receipt.

    Site is

  4. you can check online. but you should either meet them personally or send them a email. has your police verification over

  5. it is a fact that true indian citizens will not get the passport or visa very soon... only the terrorists can get it within one week.. government policy is like that... we poor citizens have to wait until it comes..

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