
I have arthrist & ihave tried pills such as glucosmine but it made me sick & i cant eat shell fish.?

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Any other alternatives?Other than pills.I suffer alot with swollen knees & achy hips.& im only a43 year old female.




  1. Arthritis is caused by a low pH or in other words, Acidic blood.........A change in diet would be the best cure...

    Lots of vegetables (organic if you can afford) & soy products....

    Avoid Pop Sodas of any kind...

    Eat lots of fibre + avoid refined carbs (white pasta, bread, sugar, etc.)

    Try to get 20 mins/day of direct sunlight

    Add sea products (chlorella, spirulina, fish) into your diet....

    avoid consuming red meat.........

    You can check out the links below to find out more about foods & ways you can benefit from....

    Good Luck

  2. There is some evidence that n-3 fatty acids (omega 3's) can reduce the inflammation associated with arthritis. You can get this in the pill form or from fatty fish, like cod, salmon etc.

    Inflammatory prostaglandins are made from fats. they are made from whichever fats are available (i.e which ever you eat is what  will be used). The n-3 fats have lower activity than n-6 fats when made into prostaglandins. And generally our diets are mostly n-6 fats. So increasing the ratio of n-3 : n-6 can reduce the inflammation.

    They are reported to be most effective in arthritis, and are being investigated in other chronic inflammatory diseases like eczema and type II diabetes.

    And its diabetic neuropathy not neurology. -pathy is a disease state, -ology means study of.

  3. First..cut out all salt..That means processed foods, canned soups..processe cheese, meat.


    NO ADDED SALT ON ANYTHING..use onion or garlic for flavors..Be inventive..No chips=pretzels etc...FRESH FRUIT..saltless crackers for munchies..

    Reduce meat intake to lean turkey, chicken..Greatly reduce red meat intake

    INCREASE fluid intake greatly..

    Try ibupropen 800 more than 2x's day but AT BEDTIME alway..(over the counter anti stomach problems)

    Get Bachs home remedy RESCUE..(natural)

    7 drops 3x's daily

    USE HEAT: hot shower/bathe....then walk walk walks,

    If you can afford it..GET A JACUZZI...Go into it whenver you flare up...

    I was diagnosed with rheumatoid at 25...Did above natural-no pills..Am now 61..symptom free!!

    More info if you'd like?

    Nurse Andrea RN

  4. Unfortunately there is no cure for arthritis and you will probably always have it.  In Australia many thousands of people are using Elmore Oil which has been dubbed the 'miracle' oil of Australia.  It stops the pain of arthritis and allows people to have a 'normal' life again.  It is now in the UK and this product is 100% natural and you also get a 14 day money back guarantee if you're not happy.  They guarantee success or money back.  You can't say fairer than that.  I have a buddy who used it in Australia and he swears by it (as do about 600 000 others).  I've put the link to the Aussie web site and also the UK one.  I hope this helps you.

  5. First did you take the Glucosmine on an empty stomach ?

      Take Condriten and MSM with Glucosomine. will support your joints.  If you are over weight then loose the sugar and start walking a little each day.

      Are you Diabetic ?  your symptoms suggest Diabetic Neurology.  Do your feet feel numb at times, are they swelling up in the ankles and feet when yo walk or set for long periods.  Do you crave sweets.  If so you need to get checked.   I don't like to recamend pill pushers but I need more space and time to tell you more .  In your case I would see a MD  then go to health store to get good remades with no side effects and that WILL cure you, unlike those man made drugs.

  6. hi i see we are in the same club of arthritis ,and i couldnt agree more with the  aches and pains ,me at the moment it is full on medacation and it is not pleasent ,but if youre not wanting to go this road the best thing to do is look in youre local phone book and find youre nearest herbalest and either call of go in and the will be able to tell you of other treatments available for you to buy ......hope it works for you ,take care xx

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