
I have arthritis in my right hand and now have to learn how to write with my left hand. Help me please!!??

by Guest59961  |  earlier

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Hi there,

I have arthritis in my right hand and it effects my writing, so the doctor says I will have to learn to write with my left hand.

I am getting very frustrated as it's hard to write with the other hand. Can someone please give me some help/tips on how to improve my writing. Does anyone know how long it will take until I can write normally (like I could with my other hand).

Any answers will be much appreciated.

Thanks :)




  1. Arthritis isn't the end of your hand writing with your right hand. You need to get to a specialist practicing Arthritis treatments, there are new ones coming out all the time. One of the best things you can do for that hand until you see the Doctor, is exercising it. Get a tennis ball or they have these soft squeezable balls at the Pharmacy that will help. It will hurt at first, but the more you do it the easier it will become. Also start soaking your right hand in some hot water with Epsom Salt added to it. Follow the directions on the bag. Moist heat  gives you the best feeling in injured hands or feet and arthritis. After you have soaked your hand, rub it good with Aspercreme Cream. Exercise is the best thing to fight arthritis. See the Doctor soon, no sense suffering like that and learning to write with your other hand. I wish for you the very best young lady.  

  2. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis with Psoriasis and a few other problems. Once upon a time, not so long ago I could write fifteen double sides A4 ruled sheets with no problem whatsoever, now I can write my name address and dear. That is it. Therefore I use the lap top, find it so much easier and I type with two fingers! Odd that because my older Sister trained as a Typist, as in typewriter and I can go faster than her using one finger on each hand. When it comes to my autograph, well the Bank make exceptions depending on how the hands are doing. I would invest in a lap top, forget about writing! Swap for typing and a printer. Best of Luck

    You are a bit Young to have Arthritis in your hand!

  3. I have met people who got a fracture on their right and had to practice writing on their left.  You just have to be open to that and be determined to practice.  It is normal to have a very bad penmanship at first.  Maybe soon after practicing a lot, you  might be surprised that you left hand penmanship looks better.

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