why? i do not understand how the general american black american culture can call every single thing a white man does or says racist, or racism. first lets give the definition of the term "racism". "ism" means 'a system of'. and 'race' refers to the five races of the homosapien sapien: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, Capoid, and Australoid. so the term 'racism' means a system of race. it is not positive or negative. but that aside, why does one call another racist over completely rediculous arguments?
another thing...
why cant people learn to "chill out" and not be so utterly sensative to certain words? an example: David Howard, an aid to the mayor of washington dc was speaking and used the word niggardly, a word meaning "stingy" or "unwilling to spend". he was forced to resign because people do not own a dictionary. now... what went wrong? so we cannot use words that sound close to others? what about these?: duck, ditch, gas, lamb, fell, chip, pastor, punt, or lock? are these out too?