
I have asked before, but ill ask again... why is the american black culture so completly clueless on race?

by Guest58530  |  earlier

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why? i do not understand how the general american black american culture can call every single thing a white man does or says racist, or racism. first lets give the definition of the term "racism". "ism" means 'a system of'. and 'race' refers to the five races of the homosapien sapien: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, Capoid, and Australoid. so the term 'racism' means a system of race. it is not positive or negative. but that aside, why does one call another racist over completely rediculous arguments?

another thing...

why cant people learn to "chill out" and not be so utterly sensative to certain words? an example: David Howard, an aid to the mayor of washington dc was speaking and used the word niggardly, a word meaning "stingy" or "unwilling to spend". he was forced to resign because people do not own a dictionary. now... what went wrong? so we cannot use words that sound close to others? what about these?: duck, ditch, gas, lamb, fell, chip, pastor, punt, or lock? are these out too?




  1. "cultures" do not make judgements. People make judgements. a "culture" cannot call something racist. PEOPLE call things racist. Why not just point the finger at the perpetrators and say "why are many black people so clueless on race"? It's what you really mean to say. You just try to keep your question from sounding racist by referring to it as "black culture". Well, it's people like you who draw distinctions between "black" and "white" culture who are responsible for the problem you're talking about in the first place.

    I think that's an unfair generalization. It's true that many back people ave overly sensitive on the issue of race. This is probably because white people have made them this way. We give them holidays like Kwanzaa, we give them affirmative action, we have black history month, we use terms like "black America". Why just the other day at my school we had a multi-cultural day. One of the tables there was the "African-American culture". Now why is it that we have to draw these lines? Why do we need to have normal Americans and African-Americans? Why can't we all just be Americans? As long as we focus on how black people are different, this problem is going to exist. They are never going to feel equal to whites and they are always going to feel discriminated against.

    They act that way because people, both black and white, are forcing them to identify with their group rather than with themselves as individuals. A person's identity should not be tied to the identity of the group to which he belongs. By using terms like "black culture" we are doing exactly that. We are separating the American people into groups.

    Racism will stop when there are no "African-Americans", "Latinos", "Asian-Americans" or any other groups. Racism will stop when we focus on what we have in common rather than what is different. America needs to become what it originally was: a melting pot. All cultures have unique and beneficial qualities. These should all be brought together for everyone's benefit. We need to stop pointing out each others' differences, we need to stop separating ourselves into groups on the basis of race or culture.

    We are all Americans. There are no "black" Americans or "white" Americans. There are only Americans with black sink and Americans with white skin. Race should not dictate behavior!

  2. Actually, blacks  busy trying to work, and rarely think about racism, I see more whites saying blacks are racist than I see blacks saying whites are racist. It is not a black problem, most do not think of whites- good or bad.

  3. and they think their the best dancers too!

  4. Gawrsh u shore wrat purty. Momma's fixin ta yonder fetch vittlin' over ta IGA. Pickin y'all up sum chaw fore we runnin' downta bayou?

  5. Everybody's scared for their a**. There aren't too many people ready to die for racism. They'll kill for racism but they won't die for racism

    ....................."Florynce R. Kennedy" ..........

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