
I have awedding on 2/11/08, what will i do to make my day be successive?

by Guest33669  |  earlier

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the above date means 2nd November 2008. (DD/MM/YY)




  1. build a time machine that date is in the past.  

  2. Photographer & Videographer in DUBAI.

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    Ajay Golani

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  3. Marry someone who will make you happy for the rest of your life.

  4. Well it is already at a loss 2/11/08 is over and has been for 6 month's dude do you have the right date?

    Good luck?

  5. Does everyone not know that Americans put the month at the beginning, but Australians put the month in the the middle?

    Therefore 2/11/08 is 2nd November

    Personally, it makes more sense to use the order day, month, year

  6. Reasons why I'm embarassed at times to be an American....

    Just be calm, delegate as much as you can, and don't let the little things get to you!

    Good luck and congratulations.

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