
I have ayahoo domain established at tuesday25/9/2007and when i searched for it on internet i didn't find it?

by Guest60544  |  earlier

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my yahoo domain was constructed into 3days excctly in tuesday 25/9/2007 and when i searched for it i din't find it on the internet notecing that bi recieved a mail from yhoo buisiness confirming that the daomian was booked and active

suddenly i searched for it and didn't find it plz answer me many thanks




  1. If it's a Yahoo Small Business Domain Name then you have a Yahoo Small Business one 800 number to call for support and actually talk to a live person.  They can tell you what the problem is.

    It does not take any time once you set up your first page and then "Publish" it.  I have one and it came up the next day.

    I know in some parts of the world the page won't come up without typing the www.

  2. It takes at least 6-8 weeks for the web crawlers to index your web site! You have to be patient!

  3. If you have not published a web site to the domain address it will not show up. You can publish a temporary site marked under construction but address will be slightly different. Call Yahoo Customer Support and ask a real live person for help. Do you have a Yahoo Small Business Account? If so log into it and click on view site.

    Hope this helps

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