
I have baby fat on my tummy from having a baby anyone tell me how i could get rid of it in a week?

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i'm going on holidays




  1. I don't think you can do it in a week, sorry.  Although now is a great time to start exercising and beginning to lose it.

  2. go to the gym or exercise at home, running and sit ups will tone ur tummy it might take longer than a week tho, depending on how long u exercise for!

    eating is still important, ppl think if u dont eat u lose weight partly true but ur body is actually storing fat from the food, coz it knows u aint g onna eat again for awhile,

    i tried this didnt eat for 3 days but i put more weight on than i lost,

    so to make sure i still get food the body stores the fat,

    hope this help's, enjoy ur holiday :)  

  3. Liposuction

  4. If you feed your baby yourself, the fat just goes!

    You can actually feel the womb contracting back to its original size.

    I lost half a stone overall after each of my kids because of feeding them.

    Exercise by all means, butn live with the loose flaps of skin!

  5. spanx

  6. Pilates and walking. Don't try to build muscle with sit ups just work on getting lean. It's possible to appear smaller but it all will not be gone.

  7. one week, if that was the case i would have lost my baby tummy a long time ago.  crunches are the only thing i know and its gonna take longer than a week

  8. GIRRRL, lol my wife had the same problem and she watched this video. It shows how you can shed the weight while having a good time, it worked wonders

  9. i dont think there's anything to get rid of it in a week but if there is i agree with poster one let me know

  10. dont eat and do lots of situps...thats about the only way

  11. ROFL!

  12. My friend wrapped her tummy up using cling film every day for 30 minutes. She would keep it on while doing her house hold chores, her tummy was nice in two weeks.  

  13. girl if you find a solution that doesnt include starvation, let me know. im in the same boat.

  14. tummy tuck and lipo!!!!

  15. I have the same thing! Like alot of it. Im 21 and I have had 2 csections. And I have alot of stretch marks and extra baggage just on my stomach.I only weigh 120 and Im 5 foot 2 inches.Good luck! Hopefully your question will get good answers and help us both out!!

  16. The only thing you can do is exercise but my son is 4 months and havent got rid of mine in the slightest.

  17. You want to get rid of this in a week???? Well, when you find out let me know! In fact, if you manage it you could be a squillionaire coz there are thousands of women out there wanting that answer! Of course, you could try surgery?!

  18. Starvation wouldn't even help because the body's immediate reaction to starvation is to store fat :)

    I'd go crazy on situps - do as many as you can every two hours all day and record how many you do - then make sure you do more the next day.

    Then I'd eat plenty, but stay away from bread and up the fresh veggies.

    Good luck!  I'm a high-metabolizm person - only ever gained minimum with the baby.  Despite this, it still took a couple months to ditch the belly-fat and five months for my hips to shrink back.  

    Your body has its own way of doing things - sometimes you have little to no say!

  19. Avoid salty foods that will cause you to bloat.  Concentrating on sit-ups won't help--you need to lose the weight through cardio.  Eat healthy (and don't skip meals), cut down sodium, and exercise.  You may not lose all of the weight but you will lose some of it!

  20. yea, u wish.... as do we all! excersice and good diet. that baby belly took 9 mos. to get there... its not going away in a week! good luck

  21. the only way would be a tummy tuck and those dont even take it all away, plus they are expensive!

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