
I have bad acne AND i need help!

by  |  earlier

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I've already used basically everything you can find in drugstores. I cant use neutrogena, clean and clear, clearisl, or proactive because there's something in it i'm allergic to. The only one i have found i'm not allergic to is avenno but it doesnt work good.

So then i visited the dermotologist. He gave me these pills to take twice a day&lotion to put on once a day. I do this, i have been doing this for 3 months. He said it would go away in a week or so, and that if it doesnt theres nothing more he could think of to do.

What do i do!?!?!? I want clear skin before school starts again- Sept 3.

I'm a freshman




  1. get a second opinion from a new doctor. Something out there has to work!

  2. I have the same probs there mate. wash your face every day or every time you get the chance. don't worry i tried toothpaste and everything but it don't work. you just need to keep cleaning your face and get acne cream and put it on every day and night. it takes a long time for it to die down but it worked for me.  

  3. all i can say is to stay out in the sun more it helps clear acne! and you might even get a tan!

  4. Get perscribed Accutane.  Some crybaby parents say it makes you suicidal but I think it makes you totally hot!! It's the ultimate and works the best from experience.

  5. go on the pill it helps heaps

  6. I use duac gel and zinnia (i think) prescribed by my dermatologist. They began working immediately.

  7. if you have reallllly bad acne, you should talk to your dermatologist about putting you on acutane. its a pill you have to be on for about 5 to 6 months, but it gets rid of acne and it ususally dosent come back except for the ocasional pimple. and if you dont want to do that, a product called tretinion is great. you also get that from your dermo.


  8. it's so weird, i have the same exact problem!!!! except i'm not allergic to the stuff, jessica simpson just lied and none of it works...i have prescription face wash that i use i the shower only since i take showers at night. in the morning i use clean and clear, but you're right it doesn't really work. i just try to remember these four steps every time i wash my face--wet your face, exfoliate (body gloves work great, just don't be to rough, let them slide over your skin...), get all of the gunk out with a gentle cleanser (i've never tried just plain soap but hey it could work...), then dry your face and use some kind of repairing lotion for sensitive skin. make sure your lotion has some kind of spf in it higher than 15, because i've noticed that when i'm out in the sun a lot i break out. there has to be hope for us, just don't give up.

    also, make sure your eating lots of fruits and veggies and that good stuff, and drink LOTS of water. it will help your body detox itself and cell renewal. sleeping is good for your skin too...

    i really hope some of this helps, cause i really do understand your struggle :{{

  9. Try to use St. Ives Swiss Formula I'm gonna be a freshman too...but i didn't really get bad Pimples but you should try this you can buy it at target ,walmart or any other place. Do it everyday and wet your face before you do it then for one minute scrub  into your entire face then wash off and pat it dry with a wash cloth .....Hope it works for you if it doesn't sorry .....go to another dermatologist.  

  10. Ok!

    Step 1. Don't touch your face(acne spreads that way) :)

    Step 2. Keep looking and trying.

    Step 3. Only go to your mirror when you really need to

    Step4. Keep using the pills

    Step5. Wash your face regularly

    Acne will go away when your older, so hang on and have hope! Good Luck:D <3 ya ~ Zappy!  

  11. have u tryed noxima (i think thats how 2 spell it) or proactive or the neutrogena wave

  12. Yeah i had really REALLY bad skin but then i went on holiday to Turkey and i wore no make-up and stayed out in the sun alot and it totally cleaned up but i found this home-made facial pack works so well. Its like magic, it sounds disgusting but it totally works.

    For acne skin :

    1 egg white

    1 teaspoon of baking soda

    1/2  to 1 lemon

    1 table spoon of yoghurt

    If your skin is really dry then :

    1 egg

    1 tablespoon of yoghurt

    1 table spoon of honey

    apply for about 10-15 minutes.

    Try to keep your products as simple as possible and keep the skin well moisturised. Loads of people think moisturising makes the skin worse but thats not true at all.

    Your skin needs moisture so definitely keep it well moisturised.

    Hope it helps :)


  13. I don't know how much true this is but I've heard that acne can also be caused by the type of diet like if u eat a lot of chocolate...

  14. Sometimes it might be the stuff you are putting on your skin to make acne appear, like your make-up? You should wash your face in the morning and at night. I use these acne pads, and i think they really work, you should try it out. They are called noxzema and its in a circulaur container and it is orange and blue. They are in the face wash,hair products section with the neutrogena. I think they work really well.

    I hope this helped!  

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