
I have bad dreams EVERY night!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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help me somebody?? can anybody tell me why is it that i have a bad dream or semi-bad dream almost ever night?? i hardly watch scary movies, and these dreams are about andom things. like last night i had like a 6 hour dream about me and my family and it was kind of like the first Jurassic Park movie where they come to New york City. man it was craaaaaaaazy!!!! is there a psychologist out there who could give me an answer to this?




  1. Bad dreams come from fear or something you feel not right in waking life.  You don't need to watch movie to have bad dreams.  However, more or less those images from your movie experience translate into symbol of fear and leads to bad dream.

    In your case, projecting being in Jurassic Park may symbolize that there is some situation you are in and you feel you are feeling some limitation and that limitation or restriction may cause fear in your life.    As we know, Dinosours or T-rex is the main focus in the Jurassic Park, that imply some high authority power that you feel you can't fight against.  Being put in a situation in Jurassic Park may suggest helplessness in reality.

    However, that is only one dream interpretation, if you post more your dreams, and they may come up with a precise conclusion of what trigged bad dream.

    Then, you can fix your problem or get rid of the bad according to what you find out.

  2. well i guest you have a personal problem that you are keeping to your self feel free to share it with you friend or your family .. they say dream are outlet of your frustration .. in our dream we can achieve what ever we want. and remember this we can control our dream you can be anyone in your dream

  3. Though you don't watch horror movies, your thoughts are so wild in nature, because you are thoroughly disturbed mentally, that cause such dreams. You have to keep your mind calm, peaceful and contented so that you would have a good night's sleep. Anxiety over what is going to happen would also cause such dreams. There is no point in being tense about something that is going to happen. Whatever would happen would happen in due course. Being under stress and tense, you cannot arrest it. So, feel free. Enjoy the present. Forget the future if you think it is going to be violent in nature. And then go to sleep. Think of some good things which please you and keep you contented and happy, before going to sleep.

    The bad dreams would dread coming to you in sleep.

  4. I feel that you want your freedom away from your family and to scary to tell them

  5. someone is casting bad dream during your sleep?

    i know cos i xp before.

  6. I'm not a psycologist, but you should probably try out lucid dreaming, where you recognize in your dream that you're dreaming, and you are completely aware of yourself while you are asleep, and you can thus control your dreams. don't listen to the dummies who say it's impossible, they're just jealous 'cause they can't do it themselves.

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