
I have banned a member of my group but now fear i have upset others and it has caused friction what do o do?

by  |  earlier

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i banned a member and am in the process of trying to sort it out with her i may reinstate her but i have upset other members what can i do?




  1. Always remember you can't please everyone. Don't try to.

  2. Work out the issue between you and the other member on your own. You can't live by what other people think of your every action. You had your reasons for what you did; stick to your guns.

  3. some people will always disagree with what an owner decides to do. it's your owner ability to ban a member, and other members should respect that. you do not have to explain yourself to members either. most never hear both sides truthfully anyway, or know what goes on behind the scenes as an owner.

    I'm sure you did the right thing.

  4. You cannot be good with every member and you may disagree with with them because you have different points of views /worldviews. Just stick to the rules and walk your head up. (Don't give up and don't give in - it's your group)

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