
I have bebo?

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I have bebo and I add ramdom people. I do this becaue none of my friends have bebo. Is htat dangerus? I have 20 friends that i dont know they all seen pretty cool. None of them have told me anything perverted or sexal. So is it dangerus




  1. Of course its not dangerous! Unless your dumb enough to give out your home address or telephone number over the net! But you dont seem like that kind of person-so there's nothing to worry about!

  2. I don't think so. I don't know. srry.




  3. It could get dangerous if you keep ading more people you dont know. It just takes one rotten egg.

  4. What is bebo?

  5. No, I do not see it as dangerous, as long as you don't meet any of them in person.  If you really want to end up meeting any of these people, you should only do that in a public place and maybe with 4 or 5 of your regular friends tagging along with you (even your parents).  After all, they are still strangers and they could be anyone from real nice people to some real sicko pedos or serial killer.

    I have made plenty of "friends" on MySpace, but not once would I ever consider meeting any of these people in real life, mostly because I'm married and it would not be cool with my wife.

    Once again, use your common sense.

    Have fun

  6. well, if they seem safe then why not, i have bebo, it is pretty cool

  7. no it's not dangerous at all. no more dangerous than smiling politely at a stranger or holding the door for someone in a public place. people your parent's age come from a screwed up generation who think that even standing upright in public and holding their head high or making eye contact are rude. this is because they were alive in the early days of television and mass media where they learned to "listen" to the world but not to "talk back" or "broadcast" their own presence.

    older generations (think of little old ladies) are too old to act like that - they still talk to strangers etc

    and younger people, our generation, we are not gutless mindless drones like people of our parents generation.

    people aged 35 to 65 all suck bigtime.

  8. dumb but not dangerous

  9. it could be. they mite sound cool but cud be totally weird, just be carefull.

  10. no not really! i have myyearbook and i have lots of friends and i dnt know any of them...& wen sumbody says sumtiinm perverted 2 u just delete them or block them :) be safe

  11. Thats bad there people you dont know they could get infomation about you and they could be pedofiles! Ask your friends what they have and get it

    Delete the people you dont know on bebo!

  12. urmm seems ok as long as your sure about them.

    but some ppl dont do it to just perv on photos them do it sometimes so they can maybe find out youe full name and personal things etc so they can use your identidy i dunno that could be bull **** as long as you feel safe if you ever feel threatened or perved on remeber you are safe and its a screen and in a a couple of clicks you can have them blocked and sometimes you can report abuse on them and they`ll loose their account.

    ask your friends to get it?

    GOOD LUCK x*x

  13. myspace riped off facebook. bebo riped off  myspace no one has bebo anymore it's c**p. no offense.

  14. duh its dangerous! Anyone you don't know can be harmful to you! esp. on the internet!

  15. yeah it might be u might wanna be carefull
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