
I have been a petrol & diesel tech now for 14 yrs.what options do i have to become an aviation tech or pilot?

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I have been a petrol & diesel tech now for 14 yrs.what options do i have to become an aviation tech or pilot?




  1. What options? You have the option of doing it, or not doing it. Now, if you meant "opportunities", there are many since there is a general shortage of experienced pilots and maintenance personnel worldwide. The key word here is qualified. I'm guessing from your statement that you must be about 30-35 years old, in which case you probably also have a family. If this is the case, the problem with starting a career in aviation is that it is very expensive and takes about two  years to become qualified as a mechanic via a tech school, and about a year to reach the minimum qualifications as a commercial pilot. And then the starting wages are quite low in either occupation and there is a lot of competetion for jobs,  so if you can afford to go through 4-5 years of re-education and low wages before you will be employed in an aviation career making the same salary you are probably making right now, go for it.

  2. You'll have to go back to school and start over from scratch.  

    If you've got a nice sized bank account built up it'll help, but figure about a year of full-time training to become a commercial pilot, and two to three years to become a licensed aircraft mechanic.

    I don't have web links for training in the UK, but here's info about similar training in the USA.

  3. Just don't bring the automotive attitude with you to aviation. that kills people. ahh that's close enough, wheres my ratchet? did I tighten that? If you are a perfectionist and proud of your work you will be great.

  4. Some schools and employers will give some credit for work experience, even automotive/diesel.  When I went to school, they gave basic credits and my airline would give some credit for auto/diesel mechanics (you had to have a total of 36 months experience to be a full mechanic).

    If you genuinely love aircraft and want to work on them and fly them, then go for it.  But if you are just looking for a better job then keep looking.  The aviation business isnt what it use to be and it could even get worse.

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