
I have been a vegetarian for 1 year now and it's really difficult sometimes I feel like eating chicken!!?

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Could someone pleaz!!!!! encourage me to keep being a vegetarian?




  1. ur not a true vegetarian if you have cravings for meat.

  2. Eat a morningstar farm "chikn" sandwich or use Quorn instead.  

  3. Wait, why are you a vegetarian. If you feel like eating meet do it, if your doing it for health reasons. Then your still being healthy, especially if you dont eat meet that often.  

  4. Get some nice pictures of baby chickens and one of a chicken being butchered. When ever you feel like eating chicken just look at these. If you eat eggs and live where you can keep a few chickens, get yourself 3 hens. It's really hard to eat something that's your pet, and they do get like pets.

  5. sorry,i think its your body pleading for good food..thats not to say that there are bad veggie dishes,some are very nice..i guess it all depends on why you are a vegetarian..i grew up with the idea that you eat what you like and like what you eat.and be thankful for it.we couldn,t afford to be to picky,but now i,m all grown up with a family of my own and i can make my own choices and so can they..i dont personally believe in vegetarianism but i dont hold it against anyone either..follow your heart and you will be fine..

    good luck

  6. I'm guessing you have a great figure. Well, If you start eating meat abruptly, then you will gain wiehgt faster than you can say oops. trust me if you want to be a vegitarian still think about what the meat will do to you.

  7. I've been vegetarian for about 9 years (I'm 13)

    page 3 video should put you off.

    Listen to meat is murder by the smiths.

    Chickens have feelings too!

  8. you could try some substitutes for meat. AND dont give up!!! you'll be eating some animal that had a life!!!! and how would you like it if someone just came up to you and killed you!?!? and then ate you?!?! and you know what they do when they bring the LIVE animals to the butchers???!?! They just either drop this HUGE bolck-thing on their heads and kills the animal!! either that or they just cut the heads off while the animals are still alive! its soooo cruel!! and your a great person to become a vegitarian. Hope you stay one, and if you dont you'll have people rubbing it in your face.

  9. If I were you I would have that piece of chicken and just get it out of your system.

  10. Chicken's the one I have trouble with, too. I would love to have General Tso's chicken again. There have been a few times where I've thought about trying it just to see if it tastes as good as I remember it. I haven't, though, and even though I'm only a couple of years ahead of you (it will be 3 years for me in December), I've found that it gets easier over time. I also found Quorn "chicken" tenders. They have a similar texture to cooked white chicken b*****s, and they really have a good taste. They aren't vegan, though, so check the ingredients if you are a more strict vegetarian than I am. I made "chicken" noodle soup with them and my family couldn't even tell the difference. Stick with it. You can do it!

  11. being a vegitarian sounds good but it is overall unheathy. your body is simply craving what it is lacking. chicken breast is a good source of protein, which is gerally found in meats, fish is rich in omega 3- fatty acids, which is essential for keeping the connections in the brain strong and heallthy ( hence the idea that eating fish makes your smarter, which isnt true)

    you dont have to eat meat but make sue that you are getting the correct balance of vitamins and minerals which is contained in meat, such as iron and protein.

    most vegitarians ive known, are fragile, tender, and always feel tired,  due to lake of iron, and protein.

    Lack of iron causes you to be anemic, and one of the biggest symptoms is tiredness and lack of energy.

    protein is necessary in building muscle fiber, lack of muscle fiber causes you to appear skinny, flabby, and soft

    or become frail.

  12. when u c chicken think of someone cuttin open that chicken while it was alive all that blood and the poor screaming chicken lol

    idk im not a vegetarian but hope that helped

  13. Im vegan ( NO animal products, milk, meat, eggs, ect.) and sometime i really die for a non vegan snack. I have found vegan chicken patties and fake bacon, veggie burgers, and other things at cosco. You can also find lots of fake yummie healthy chicken things at a health store. Hope i helped!  

  14. Try seitan.  I know it's hard but the cravings pass.  Just make sure you are getting enough protein and try condiments on things like tempeh, tofu and seitan that you liked on chicken.  I've been vegan over a year know and sometimes I feel like chicken, but the place I've gotten to mentally will not allow me to do that.

  15. After a year it's likely you already know that protein is available in all foods except refined sugars and some alcohols (even beer has some protein). Iron is available in many plant foods such as green leafy plants and beans. Same with calcium. Animals don't get these out of osmosis but from consuming plants themselves (we don't eat carnivores, or even omnivores very often). In fact, meat/dairy tends to displace a lot of the great nutrition we need and can only get from plant sources such as fiber. Just in case though, here are a couple of Vegetarian Starter Kits available online (and you can order hard copies): (this one also has some information on how chickens are treated in the industry)

    As far as the chicken cravings... one way to get over those is to get yourself a couple pet chickens. Once you see how much personality they have and how much they adore you it will become a bit harder to get excited about nuggets. If they are hand-raised from chicks they will sleep on your lap, sit on your shoulder, follow you around and more... Many cities these days are allowing the keeping of chickens:

    Or look at other people's pet's:


    Also, Quorn can be a good chicken substitute. But what I've found helps me more than anything (besides exercise which is a natural appetite suppressant) is to make a big batch of organic popcorn, drizzle with Earth Balance and sprinkle heavily with nutritional yeast (and of course good salt the more powdery the better). It has the savory flavor and is a great snack with a good dose of B12. Good snack to share too. Can also add garlic powder and/or Parma (a yummy parmesan cheese sub with walnuts which are high in omega 3).

    Oh, and turn off the television for awhile. It is full of ads to get us to eat by pushing our cravings, especially fast food such as Taco Bell and KFC.



    A Vegan General Tso "Chicken" recipe with pic:



    Here's an article on the life of a boiler chicken:

    And a newspaper series on the lives of those who process them:

    Those should really be helpful. =]

  16. Just think of eating chicken like it would be to eat a dog. That will give you a pretty disgusting image.  

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