
I have been a vegeterian for 4 months?

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tonight i cut a lettus in half to eat . without knowing(as i never wash food)my wife noticed that i had bit through a caterpiller without knowing and before she could say anything i had eaten the rest of it.

i have had know meat for 4 monthes and im upset as to not wanting to spoil my good work

?dose this mean im no longer a vegeterian????????????




  1. no but dont become a vegetarian because the animals you eat have had an unhappy life get free ranged organic food, where the animals die naturally

  2. don't worry about it so much. i have been a vegetarian for 13 years. i have accidentally eaten meat too. don't stress. its ok. you can still be a veg. your not seeking out meat. anyway, vegetarian is just a label. eat what makes you feel good and happy and healthy.

  3. omg! Thats soooo nasty!  I dont think it would interupt your streak as you did not know you were eating it. Wasnt purposly. Just dont tell anyone and nobody will know!

  4. just give whats left of the caterpillar a proper funeral...then make sure it doesnt happen again

  5. hiya, if you check the questions in this category i had a similar thing, i just ate soup with beef stock in it :( but look at my answers... just about everyone says it's okay :) you didnt mean it, you're attitude to meat is still the same. it doesnt matter.

    all you need to do is make sure there's nothing in your food before you have it, and if there is let it out in your garden :)

  6. First of all, how the h**l can you eat a half of a head of lettuce?  (And your spelling was wrong, sorry but I had to correct you it bugged me so bad!)  That's a lot of lettuce!

    Second, why don't you wash your food?!?!?!  That's disgusting!  You could be eating chemicals!

    Third, You ate a caterpillar?  And you couldn't tell that something was different about the lettuce?  Wow...

    Forth, Yes, you ruined your vegetarianism (at least that's what I would say).  But I'm not really sure if you can consider a caterpillar an "animal" with meat on its bones.

  7. Ew, caterpillar!

    You should be fine. You didn't intentionally eat it!

    Please wash your food. Why don't you?

    By the way...I've forgotten that guy's name, but...INSECTS ARE ANIMALS! He's stu-pid...

    Anyway, you'll be fine.

  8. For real.....youre asking this...

    You didnt know, its not like you did it on cousin did the same thing with this chicken dip long as you dont keep eating meat. Which a caterpillar really isnt part of the "meat  catagory" its more like...a bug........weird

  9. well to be honest, you didnt know it was there, and you didnt mean to eat any meat at all, so you havent spoit your good work, you are still vegetarian that had some very bad luck. well done for 4 months though, keep it up!

  10. I've been veggie for 4 months too :)

    i figured out on average (FOR ME) i save 250 approx. chickens a year :)

    Haha if you're serious about the caterpiller, don't worry, it was a mistake, you are still doing a good healthy thing by being veggie. :)

  11. i think you'd still be considered one because it was unintentionally done and your upset about it.

    I believe you would still be one.

    congratz on being veg!

  12. i dont know if caterpillars have flesh but, i guess you ate some meat, why the *** does it matter??? just dont eat anymore meat...its not like you made a pledge to the world or nething

  13. Mmm,  i would say no but, i would still consider myself a vegeterian.

  14. this is a hard one..... don't worry you did not eat it on purpose knowingly. You are still a vegetarian carry on well done to you for caring. make sure to check your food in future.

    I've been vegetarian for a year and a couple of moths.

    Good luck xD

    have you tried

    this will be extremely helpful for carrying on being vegetarian

  15. No, you're still a vegetarian.  A worm may have some protein but it's not an animal.  Now if you were a vegan it might be a different story.  Oh, and just a might want to start washing your produce.  Even though I buy organic I don't really know if the person that has handled my produce has a cold or clean hands.  Good Luck!  Keep up the healthy eating!

  16. I don't think the issue is whether you're "still a vegetarian", but rather why are you only eating a head of lettuce as a meal?  You need to round out that diet a bit.  As far as the bug goes, ewww.  I'm sorry that happened to you, but might I suggest you wash your produce more thoroughly before eating it in future.

  17. no, being a vegetarian is about trying to cut down the pain etc caused to animals for human consumption

    it was an accident

    just wash your lettuce in future ;)

  18. Erm.. that's a bit odd but as long as it wasn't on purpose, you can still consider your a vegetarian.

    Oh, and remember to always wash your fruit and veggies before consuming.


  19. No that`s OK. I have been vegetarian for my whole life, and I have eaten the odd mince burger here, and pig lard chip there, but that was only because I didn`t know that those things were meat at the time that I ate them. I thought the burger was soja, and the chips were oil-fried. If you eat any traces of meat intentionally then you can go to h**l, but if you are force fed two cows and a catfish without wanting to eat them then you are still a wholesome vegetarian. Don`t worry - you didn`t intend to eat the caterpillar so you work is not spoiled - keep the vegetarianism up!!

  20. Your still Vegetarian! Dont worry, im vegetarian 3 months.....  i accednetly eat a fly! it flew straight in my mouth when i was talking.

    Catterillar isnt meat.

    And you didnt mean to eat it.

    Macenziie!! x

  21. Yeah this means that you have to start again, try to check your food before you eat, and try to start again.

    And for the record, you dont have to keep being a vegetarian!!!

  22. hahahaha you ate a caterpillar!

    and no.... it doesn't mean you aren't a vegetarian any more, it was an accident

    what a dumb question

  23. It was an accident.. don't worry about it. But seriously you should wash all of your produce before you even think of eating it.. I guess you learned the hard way.

    Lettuce.. should ALWAYS be washed thoroughly because so many things can get into the leaves.

  24. Of course not, it was an accident.  I've been vegetarian for 13 years and have accidentally eaten a few meat products, I felt sick afterwards but it doesnt mean I'm no longer vegetarian, Just means i'll be more carefull next time to really look at and know wht i'm eating.

  25. No, don't worry, you're still a vegetarian.

    Many people slip up or are slipped meat. It doesn't make you any less of a vegetarian. You didn't deliberately eat it and you won't, I hope, again.

    Wash your food first. Even organic foods can be dirty.

  26. vegitarian is just a way of eating.

    just because you accidently ate a caterpillar doesn't mean you aren't anymore. just keep eating the way you are & it'll be all good,

  27. this does not make you no longer a veg, you did not even do it on purpose. it only means you made a mistake as long as you still do not eat meat willingly you are good. no hard work lost :D

  28. Yes, you're still a veggie. You didn't intentionally eat the caterpillar so it's not your fault. Since you bit it in 1/2 I doubt it suffered a lot.

    I've eaten non-veggie food without knowing it and then realised afterwards so I know how upsetting it can be. I carry on as I did before having learnt that that particular food/brand isn't veggie and that I can avoid it in future. If you intentionally eat meat/fish/crustacia ect then you're not a veggie but accidentally eating a caterpillar doesn't mean you're not one anymore.

    Hope your new vegetarianism goes well:-)

  29. I would say it depends on your reasons for being a vegetarian.

    If for ethical reasons, then you are still a vegetarian.

    If for health reasons, then technically no, but in essence, yes, you still are.

  30. eating meat is natural.  and i don't think bugs fall into the animal kingdom.  just like plants don't.  I think that it means that you are self righteous and need to look beyond yourself (being a vegetarian) and focus more on what you are doing as a vegetarian.

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