
I have been advised I have won $500.00 from Yahoo, and Payment can be made by paypal, e-gold or storm,?

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I have sent several emails to Yahoo trying to get help for this matter. But I have not received an answer as yet. I had been advised I had won $500 from yahoo, but they will not accept payment from anythin other than e-gold. I have paypal, which it states you can pay by as well, but, it will not go through. How else may I collect my $500.00, I would really appreciate your assistance in this matter, I am frustrated as I do not know what else to do and I do not want to lose my winnings. Thanks for your assistance.

Regards, Carol Luskey




  1. This is a scam.  They (some crooks) are trying to get your account information.  You probably already provided them with all they need.  Contact your third party payment company (Pay Pal, etc...), and alert them to what you provided.

  2. how can I get that too?

    i could use $500

  3. Have you entered to a contest or other form of something you would get these winnings for? If not, I would suggest that you DO NOT give out your PayPal information or any other information, it sounds terribly like a scam.

  4. Carol, you sure this is not a scam? I get these all the time. If it has links in the email make sure to verify that the URL it sends you to is a

    Never give out any of your info this way either - good luck

  5. your being scammed, dont do it. did you enter any yahoo lottery?  no. therefore you cant win it

  6. Are you sure it's actually Yahoo you won from?? I know awhile back there was a scam goin on. I received several emails saying I won money from yahoo... I turned it in to yahoo...

    Be leary and thoroughly investigate and DO NOT GIVE any personal information until you have heard a confirmation thius is Legit...

  7. You never, ever have pay for something someone says you have "won". If you won a legit prize, all costs of getting it into your hands are undertaken by the prize givers. This sounds like a scam.

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